First European TransGender Council on Civil and Political Rights


In February 2005 TransX announced to organise an europe-wide network meeting for transgender-groups. The first letter of advice evoked an overwhelming response. We where really surprised that there is such a strong readiness for common political work. Finally  120 representatives of 66 groups from 21 European countries gathered in the Viennese town hall.

Right from the preparations it became obvious that this wouldn’t become just a party. So we announced it as "First European TransGender Council on Civil and Political Rights".

And it became a real council. We asked the groups to formulate three “demands, which the Council should pursuit on an Europe-wide level”. 68 proposals were discussed by working groups at the Council. At the end all members were asked to declare vote on which issues they would support. The results indicate a strong concordance between transgender people all over Europe. Almost all proposals were supported by a majority of the members. 50% of the proposals were supported by more than 85% of valid votes.
